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Engine & Transmission
The engine in your vehicle is what keeps your car running and working. It is no surprise that if your engine isn’t in great shape that your car won’t be either and you’ll need to visit your local auto repair shop.
Check Engine Light Turns On
A check engine light indicates a serious problem with your ignition, fuel or emission system. If this light comes on, it is a serious problem and needs immediate attention.
When your engine stops running and your cars stalls, this could indicate a problem with the electrical system in your car or the fuel system. The engine is unable to ignite the gas in the car’s cylinders and requires attention from a certified technician.
Engine Clicking or Ticking
If your engine starts to sound like your watch, you may be having a problem with the car’s oil pressure. A damaged or clogged oil pump could be preventing oil from reaching all of the components necessary to run the vehicle.
it is important to keep the engine in optimal condition. Take your vehicle for its scheduled engine maintenance, perform yearly emissions tests and visit Bob’s Premier Automotive Repair with any questions or concerns you have regarding your car.
Schedule an appointment with us today!
Using the latest in state-of-the-art technology, we will install a safe and effective cleaner to suspend harmful varnish and sludge from the transmission valve body, torque converter and lines and install new high-tech fluid with conditioners.
Just like your engine, you should have your transmission serviced regularly. When Bob’s Premier Automotive Repair in Richland Hills, TX services your transmission, we:
the expert team at Bob’s Premier Automotive Repair essentially gives your vehicle’s transmission new life. The new fluid restores your clutch’s holding power. This reduces slip and heat production. Additionally, flushing the old fluid gets rid of small bits of clutch material and metal shavings, which can damage your transmission by clogging passages and wedging themselves between moving parts. Getting rid of the old fluid reduces wear within the transmission.
Bob’s Premier Automotive Repair is a full-service preventive maintenance and auto repairs center in the Richland Hills, TX 76118 area, specializing in AC Repair and Installation, Car & Truck Care, Electronic Services, Electrical Services, General Services, Heating and Cooling Services, Engine & Transmission, Miscellaneous Services, Towing, and Transmission Services since 1989.
Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sat: 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. Sun: Closed
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